Networking in academia
As an academic researcher you will benefit from a strong network. When in need of (external) expertise, research partners, knowledge, when you want to disseminate your ideas, when you seek inspiration, a shoulder to cry on, or when you want to take the next step in your career, you will reap the benefits of the time and energy you invested in making and maintaining contacts.
This training is about the why, what and how of networking in academia. We first show you what are the benefits of a good network. Then we discuss the networking opportunities and how you benefit optimally from them. Introducing yourself to the world famous expert in your field on a conference is easier said than done. Therefore we practise the different ways to make contact and teach you how you can raise the chances of a first encounter. When the ice is broken, it is important to maintain your network. We show you how you can do this. Finally we show you how to find time for networking and how you make it part of your academic life.
Training methods
This training consists of theory, instruction, group discussions, and excercises in which you practice networking skills. You will receive a lot of personal feedback and tips from the trainer.
Trainer: Kick Moors | Language: English or Dutch | Duration: four hours | Participation: this is a in-company training | PhD students working at Leiden University or LUMC can follow this training as part of the PhD Training Programme.
Contact us for more information
Visibility on social media can be an important means to maintain your network and stay on the radar of your peers. Follow our training Academic outreach if you need a broad introduction into academic outreach. Our training Blogging about your research can help you to take the step from thinking about blogging to doing it. A strong presentation on a conference can boost your network significantly. You will learn how to do that in our training Presenting a-z.
We can adjust the duration, contents and form of this training to the needs of our clients