We are there for academics

Welcome to the website of Visser Visible Communication. Our specialization is communication by academic staff to audiences within and outside academia. We help academics to present themselves and their research in an authentic and convincing way to e.g. ERC and NWO panels, at conferences, but also via social and traditional media.

Services About us




Our trainings teach academics skills needed for communication within and outside academia. We focus on strategy, structure and design, but also on use of voice, body language and stress.


Personal issues can hinder the professional development and effectiveness. Our hands-on coaching helps academics to find the causes of problems and teaches them how to deal with for instance unhealthy work pressure, doubts or conflicts.


We develop PowerPoint slides and illustrations for research proposals. We draw, but we also advice on the story line of the presentation and the visual representation of ideas.

What our customers say

I would like to thank you for your course and all pieces of advice that you gave me about presenting skills several months ago.
Recently I participated in an international conference. It is a very important one in my field! Every year they choose a best presenter for the award. I still cannot believe it, but I won this award this year. When I was preparing this talk I was trying to implement everything that you taught us. Of course, my little experience did not allow me to make this presentation ideal and there are always things that can be improved. But I can say that after your course my presentation skills improved significantly. I would like to thank you again and to highlight that your course is one of the most useful courses about transferable skills.

Anastasia Nikulina - Universiteit Leiden