Blogging about your research
If you want to work on your visibility inside and outside academia, starting a blog proves to be the most accessible medium. You decide what you write and when you publish it. Within your own boundaries you can experiment with form and content. Blogging also can be a means of improving your ideas and writing skills. It will also help you to increase your network.
During this training you learn how to write a blog post, but also how you start a blog in a way that contributes to your development as an academic. The first session follows the path from strategy to setup of a first blog post. We start with the blogging strategy. What are your goals? Who do you write for and what niche in the blogosphere do you want to claim? You learn to think up good topics to write about and how you structure a blog post. After this session you write your first blog post as a homework assignment. The trainer will give you feedback on this first draft.
The second session start with an evaluation of the writing experience. You will comment on the second draft of each other’s posts. Then we discuss how to find a good main photo that will attract the attention of your readers in the Twitter timeline. You will also learn how to enrich your blogpost by including videos, images, and links and how you structure the blog using tags and categories. We also discuss different blogging platforms, such as LinkedIn and WordPress, the name of your blog and the corporate identity. We also deal with findability via Google (SEO) and distribution via social media.
Teaching methods
This training consists of theory, instruction, group discussion, exercises, and a home work exercise. You practice by working on your own blog and first post. You will receive a lot of personal feedback and tips by the trainer.
Trainer: Hermen Visser | Language: English or Dutch | Duration: two sessions of four hours, four hours home work | Maximum number of participants: 8 | Participation: this is an in-company training | PhD students of Leiden University and LUMC can follow this training as part of the PhD training programme.
Contact us for more information
Looking for a broad introduction into the world of social and conventional media? Take a look at Academic outreach.
This training is a proven concept. However, we can adjust form and contents to the needs of our clients. Think about a training for a group of bloggers that also focusses on the division of labour and roles.